Maintain up to date statistics of ex-Servicemen, disabled ex-Servicemen, widows and dependents, and families of serving defence personnel.
Assist ex-Servicemen and widows in planning and funding of self-employment ventures.
Granting financial relief to ex-Servicemen and the dependents from funds at the disposal of Rajya Sainik Board and from the Kendriya Sainik Board.
Maintain close liaison with Pension Disbursing Authorities/Agencies in the State/Districts to ensure prompt and correct payment of pension and relief to ex-Servicemen pensioners or their dependents.
Providing assistance for settlement of land and other disputes.
Provide all resettlement assistance to war widows, dependents and war disabled as well as to those who died /disabled while in service due to attributable reasons.
Organize Armed Forces Flag Day at State level and Flag Day Fund collections.
Organize rallies/re-union of ex-Servicemen.
Assist ex-Servicemen for their self-employment.
Provide ex-Servicemen and family pensioners information about ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS).
Any other duties assigned by Directorate General Resettlement (DGR)/Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB).
Advise civil administration on welfare matters.
Redressal of Grievances of ex-Servicemen.