Wrong Commutation Amount & Date on your SPARSH PPO  & Pension Slip ? Dont worry -Solution is here

Just check your Pension Slip of last month and latest PPO downloaded from SPARSH Portal .  If not checked earlier, may check it now.  You might have noticed that the amount of commutation paid to you is entered wrong and noly this, the date of end of commutation is also wrong at there. 

When you retired, you got several pensionary benefits including Pension, Gratuity, Commutation, AGIF and other benefits also. In this article we will discuss the Commutation restoration related issues.   In this regard, remember that, if an exserviceman is passed away before completion of 15 years from date of retirement, his commutation deduction will stop on the date of death.  No deduction from Family pension in this regard will further be made.  

Now, regarding the basic information of commutation and how it is restored is discussed here.   Since 2006,  your pension amount is half of the last emoluments drawn.  But the entire  pension that you are entitled is not paid every month to your bank account.   Moreover, a certain percentage of pension it is mostly  50% of  basic pay is commuted and the value of this commuted portion – it may be approx 108 times (based on your age on date of retirement) of the 50% of your basic pension so arrived at.  This commuted portion amount is paid to you as lump sum amount (CVP) at the time of your retirement.   

From the very beginning of your pension, you must have noted that a deduction of this amount is done every month from your total pension.  Such  deduction will continue to be upto 15 years from the date of Commutation deduction started..

From the feedback it has been noticed that after the generation of New SPARSH PPO, Pension Commuted value of your pension showed a wrong figure which has never been paid to you.   Even though the date of the end of commutation recovery is also found wrong here. 

To search for a solution, the matter has been reported to the PCDA, Team SPARSH  Nodal officers.  They have stated that the date and amount shown is incorrect and this kind of misinformation occurred due to some system fault and it will be rectified very soon. 

However, the date of end of recovery on account of commutation deduction will be as per your original PPO and exactly 15 years from date of starting of commutation deduction.  If there is any anomaly, the matter should be reported immediately to the Concerned dept i.e PCDA Allahabad / Veterans Dte/  Record office concerned.

Those who want to get this information rectified on PPO,  may approach the Team SPARSH . Details of email ID and Phone number is available in the website www.esminfoclub.com 

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