MoD has introduced Daughter’s marriage to provide financial assistance to the exservicemen for maximum 2 2 daughters and the amount is maximum 50,000/- for each daughter..
Who can apply for daughter’s marriage Grant
1) Rank Hav/Sgt/PO/Honorary Nb/Sub and Below and their Widows are also eligible. Officers, JCOs and equivalent ranks and their Widows are NOT eligible.
2) Daughter’s Name and DOB must be correctly mentioned in your Discharge Book.
3) Daughter not married below 18 yrs age.
4) ESM/Widows must have I Card issued from ZSB.
5) Only first two daughters are eligible to get Marriage Grant. Third daughter is eligible, when second and third are twins. If not claimed for first daughter, then you are eligible for only one daughter.
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6) ESM/WIDOWs should not be getting similar grant from other sources. A Self Certificate needs to be given.
7) Must be applied online on KSB website within 180 days after social marriage function date.
How to apply for daughter’s marriage Grant
Step-1: Open KSB (Kendriya Sainik Board) website:-
Step-2: Do ONETIME registration, using your service and family details.
Step-3: KSB will send you Log In ID and Password to your registered mobile and eMail on working day.
Note-1: If you have already registered then need not to register again.
Note-2: If ID & PW not received, contact JD Automation.l, KSB.
Helpline: 011-26715250.
Step-4: Log in and open “Daughter’s Marriage Grant” page, and fill up ONLINE FORM.
Step-5: Upload scanned copies of all original Documents. Do not scan from photocopies of documents.
Documents Required for apply to daughter’s marriage Grant
1) DOC-1: Discharge Books of ESM /Service certificates of Widows (all pages).
2) DOC-2: Proof of Daughter’s Date of Birth (DOB).
Either Birth Certificate or 10th Board Certificate having correct DOB of daughter to be uploaded in DOC-2 slot. In case DOB is not matching with Discharge Book, then give copy of Part-2 Order/ NAVPEN/ POR, if available. Affidavit will not be accepted as name or DOB change.
3) DOC-3: Marriage Certificate. Must be issued by Marriage Registrar office or from Panchayat Pradhan.
4) DOC-4: Self Certificate. All applicants have to upload a Self Certificate to certify that similar grant is NOT received from any other sources. If re-employed with Govt or Private Company, Self Certificate must be counter signed by the present employer. Self Certificate is to be given by everyone, even if you are not working.
5) DOC-5: First Page of Bank Pass Book. Original Stamped and Signed by Bank first page must be scanned and uploaded. You may upload a cancelled cheque also. Name, account number and IFSC CODE must be written clearly.
Step-6: When finished, check thoroughly then take a print and SUBMIT.
Note-1: A KSB “Marriage Grant Check List” is given below. Follow the checklist thoroughly:-
Note-2: When submitted, in your PC it will show:- “Successfully Submitted and Pending at ZSB.”
Step-7: Further, whatever action is being taken on your application, you will get SMS & Email updates on your registered Mobile and Email ID.
Step-8: If there is any error in your application or scanned documents, ZSB/RSB/KSB will return your application with observations, as remarks. You will get SMS and Email alerts.
Step-9: You should open the application in KSB website and check observations written at the bottom of your Application Form.
Step-10: You must rectify all errors and upload application form again within 30 days. If you fail, your application will be automatically deleted by the system. You may again apply online within 180 days from Marriage Date.
Step-11: If your application and all attached documents are correct, we will call you at ZSB to verify your original documents.
Step-12: After checking your original documents, will Recommend and forward your applications online to Rajya Sainik Board (RSB). RSB will fwd to KSB. You will get update msgs.
Step-13: Your Marriage Grant amount will be directly credited to your account by KSB. ZSB will neither pay nor get any information about, ‘when and to whom’ amount will be or being credited.
Important Notes on daughter’s marriage Grant
1) 180 days is for you to apply for the FIRST TIME.
2) There is NO LAST DATE to receive error/observation from ZSB/RSB/KSB and rectify them and upload again online, (within 30 days from the date of observation), which can be after 180 days (last date) also.
3) There is no time limit for holding your Application at ZSB/RSB/KSB. If it is showing “Pending at ZSB or RSB or KSB, it will NOT get deleted after 180 days. WE CAN KEEP YOUR APPLICATION “PENDING” FOR ANY DURATION.
4) ZSB STAFF CAN NOT DELETE/Reject your application. However, RSB and KSB can Cancel or Reject your online application.
Note-1: If your application is cancelled or Rejected, you can apply again, before last date of application.
5) As of now upto 2021-22 applications are being paid. You have to wait. Everyone will get money, at least once.
6) Till you get money, your application will be shown as “Pending at KSB.” If cancelled or Rejected after 180 days from Marriage Date, then you can apply from WB Govt (₹20,000/-). If your online application is shown as Pending at ZSB/RSB/KSB, then YOU CAN NOT APPLY FOR WB Govt Marriage Grant.
Information source, Secy, Zila Sainik Board, North 24 Parganas.