LMC Soldiers may be Discharged after 4 Years in this Condition

After the introduction of ER and GMO 2023 several rules have been changed for LMC personnel.  Entitlement of Disability pension has severely affected.  However, it has been observed that the medical authority and various implementing bodies are still confused  and not thoroughly conversant with the new rules. Recently Army HQ has issued instructions to all Record offices regarding retention and disposal of LMC personnel who are permanently in LMC for 4 years.  

According to the ER and GMO 2023, disability pension is entitled to only invalided out cases with disability attributable or aggravated by military service and minimum disability must be assessed 20% or more.  

After implementation of GMO 2023, those who retiring on completion of terms of engagement/ coloured service or premature discharged from service, are not entitled to get disability pension in any circumstances.

As per the instruction of IHQ of MoD, those who have been placed in LMC (P) for two consecutive periods i.e 4 years will be considered by Retention cum Impairment Assessment Board (RIAB).  The RIAB will decide whether such LMC soldier will be retained in service or  be discharged from service. In this regard please follow the relevant portion of GMO 2023.

As you have noticed in social media, after 4 years the LMC soldiers may be discharged from service compulsorily.  But this is not fully true.  If RIAB considered the  LMC soldier is not fit for service, may be released where disability is more than 20%.

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